Artillery News

Defender 24

21 MAY 2024: The 29th Infantry Division served in the last few weeks in Defender 24. This was an exercise that mimicked a US division deploying forward from CONUS to support NATO, incorporating Polish and UK brigades into our formation. We were primarily in Poland, however, the exercise also covered Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, and NATO naval units in the Baltic. This exercise was part of a much larger whole. NATO naval, air, and ground assets were all involved. This was the largest NATO exercise in 40 years and falls on the 80th anniversary of the last time the 29th Infantry Division was deployed to Europe in full strength. The last time was, of course, D-Day, Omaha Beach at Normandy. During Defender 24, we bounded forward conducting river crossings with artillery bombardments in support of our advancing Polish Airborne and British subordinate units. In the exercise, the push was toward Kaliningrad, Russia and the international border. It was quite incredible to be a part of this historic exercise showing American resolve to defend Europe in the face of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War.

HIMARS Live Fire on the Baltic Video

29th Divsion Meuse-Argonne Staff Ride

Above: At the Intermediate Objective for 116th Infantry Regiment for the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Above: At the Normal Objective for 116th Infantry Regiment for the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Below: Our 29th ID group with Captain Robert Conrad's Grave

On 22 SEP 2018, our 29th Infantry Division soldiers have conducted a staff ride over positions taken by the 116th Infantry (VA) and 115th Infantry (MD), 29th Division in WW1. These positions included the Jumping Off point for the 116th and 115th, and the Intermediate Objective, which was the main defensive position for the enemy Austro-Hungarian 112th Infantry Regiment. This is the point where Captain Robert Conrad was killed leading I CO, 116th INF. Also, at the Intermediate Objective (Malbrouck Hill) Lt Johnston led the 116th INF L CO assault on the flank and LT Stone led the K Co bayonet attack. Further along, we found and studied the Normal Objective at Molleville Farm. These actions by units of the 29th Division, in conjunction with similar assaults all along the Western Front, brought the First Would War to an end with an Allied victory. Along with studying the terrain the division’s units took in October 1918, we visited with those 29th Division soldiers killed in the assault, including Captain Robert Conrad, at the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery. The 29th ID solders selected to accompany me on this trip have been among the best groups I have ever worked with. Throughout this trip they have been quite inquisitive, dedicated and motivated. I hate to see the event come to an end


Lovett Artillery Collection French 75mm mle/97 at the Douglas MacArthur Memorial for the WW1 Centennial (2017-2019)

Above:  The Lovett Artillery Collection French 75mm mle/97 is on a temporary loan to the MacArthur Memorial Museum in Norfolk, VA to mark the WW1 Centennial.  The 151st Field Artillery was equipped with 75mm guns of this type and served in support of BG Douglas MacArthur's 84th Brigade, 42nd Division

Above:  Lovett Collection 75mm mle/97 at the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Museum, in Norfolk, VA to mark the WW1 Centennial

Above:  Lovett Collection 75mm mle/97 painted in US Army Two Color Camouflage, at the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Museum, in Norfolk, VA to mark the WW1 Centennial

Live fire with a Wise Lite Yugoslavian M53 (MG42) semi auto. Click onto this text or the photo above, hit "save", wait about 3 min, then hit "open" and the video should download

Denise Delhotal and CW3 Ralph Lovett attended the 111th Field Artillery Saint Barbara’s Ball at Norfolk Naval Base this July, 2014.  It was a great event, even if St Babs seldom falls in July.  The officers and NCOs of 29th Infantry Division Fires Section had a great time at the event and one of our most outstanding NCOs was awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  That NCO is a bit media shy so I did not post additional photos

Above: In Washington, DC, the Lovett Artillery Collection was represented in the WWI Centennial Commission's Trade Show on 14 June 2014.  The event took place at the Jones and Day Law firm, with a fantastic view of the US Capitol.   Many organizations were in attendance, such as the MacArthur Memorial Museum, the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian US History Museum.  Each organization presented their WWI related goals and many focused on WWI Centennial specific aspirations.   It was great to be part of the event  

Major Cooper D. Winn Uniform Group at the Douglas MacAuthur Memorial


Below: October 2011, in Washington, DC CW3 Ralph Lovett visited briefly with MG David Zabeki at the Association of the U.S. Army Conference. MG Zabeki in addition to serving as the commanding General of the U.S. Southern European Task Force Rear (Airborne), and simultaneously as the U.S. Army's Senior Mission Commander South of the Alps wrote Steel Wind which is an excellent work explaining in detail the role of German Artillery fire planning in the 1918 Offensive


In January 2011, three guns from the Lovett Collection were recorded firing live and blank by Skywalker Sound for use in the Steven Spielberg film War Horse. The film is set in the WW1 Era and will focus on horses in military service

Above: Click onto the photographs of the US 3 Inch Ordnance Piece, French 25mm SAL 1937 and the German 15cm. lg.s.F.H. 1913/02 to see streaming video images of live and blank fire for use in the Spielberg film War Horse. Only the sound recordings of these pieces firing will be in the movie not these images

Above: During the 29 ID Officer's Call on the afternoon of 15 May 2010, Ralph Lovett was promoted to CW3 at the Fort Belvoir Golf Course. Denise Delhotal "Girlfriend Promotable" pinned the rank on and COL Bolton led the ceremony. Then the POTUS walked in and said a few words. See the video link below...

Above: As an unexpected part of the ceremony,President Obama made a brief appearance and speech. He just happened to be playing golf near by and stepped in, saying a few words (Click the Text or Photo for the video and wait about 5 min)

Above: April 2009, CW2 Ralph Lovett was awarded the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara by 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery, 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Georgia.  Ancient Order of ST Barbara is the highest level of the award.  Ralph Lovett was accompanied by Denise Delhotal for the award ceremony. The photograph on the right is at a later Saint Barbara's event with 111th FA. Ralph served one tour of Bosnia as a 3rd Infantry Division Staff Officer and his first tour in Iraq with 3 ID was awarded the Combat Action Badge.  Ralph and Leon Lovett have supported artillery units of 3 ID for over a decade as volunteers, allowing their private artillery collection to be used in events such as change of command ceremonies, staff rides and Saint Barbara’s events.  Also, recently Ralph has transferred to the 29th Infantry Division Staff and serves as Division Field Artillery Intelligence Officer (FAIO)

Above: June 2008 Leon Lovett (right) received the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara from 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery with 3rd Infantry Division.  He is pictured here with the commander of 1-41, Colonel Noel Nicolle (left).

The Ancient Order is the highest level of the Order of Saint Barbara.  Leon Lovett was awarded this honor for long service to the US Army and the Field Artillery branch both in uniform and as a volunteer.  He has strongly supported all artillery battalions stationed at Fort Stewart as a volunteer for more than a decade.  He and CW2 Ralph Lovett were awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara in the early 1990s by 3rd Infantry Division Artillery (DIVARTY)

CW2 Lovett with his Q36 Radar in Iraq

Above: CW2 Ralph Lovett was awarded the Bronze Star November 2006 by Fires Brigade, 4th Infantry Division in his second, back to back tour of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  In the first tour on October 2005 he was awarded the Combat Action Badge by 3rd Infantry Division.  CW2 Lovett led a Q36 Radar team in Mahmudiayah and Baghdad, Iraq initiating thirty three counterfires resulting in the destruction of three enemy mortar teams 



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All images, research, and text are sole property of Ralph Lovett.