Artillery Loud Speaker

This is a two way loud speaker system. The forward observer speaks into the transmitter giving the gun's distance and direction to target The gun line and hears this information through the loud speaker and can speak back to the observer. Gun crews then adjust the artillery piece for Quadrant/Elevation (vertical) and Deflection (horizontal). I have read about the use of this system during the development of the 15cm. s.F.H. 1893 Foot Artillery piece. I believe, later these were either entirely replaced by conventional field phones or perhaps were used only on the gun end of the line in conjunction with a field phone. I also believe, these were primarily in service with Artillery units.

Artillery Loud Speaker

Below: A Loud Speaker in service with a German Artillery Forward Observer Team. Photo/Postcard is marked to Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 43.

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All images, research, and text are sole property of Ralph Lovett.